
What does acupuncture treatment at Burton Health and Wellness involve?


Acupuncture services are frequently used at our clinic and are most effective with regular and frequent treatments. Acupuncture treatments involve placing (one-time-use, disposable and individually packaged) hair-thin needles into certain areas of the skin. The number of slender needles – as few as three, as many as 20 – and the length of time they are kept in place depends on the condition being treated. Some patients say they feel a tiny pinch when needles are inserted and many people end up falling asleep after the needles are in place.


How does acupuncture work?


Some research suggests that acupuncture may stimulate the central nervous system which in turn releases natural chemicals that alter pain and other biological processes.



What diseases or ailments might acupuncture be beneficial for?


The World Health Organization endorses acupuncture, and clinical studies have suggested that it may be a beneficial treatment for many conditions.


In our office, acupuncture may be used to treat symptoms of problems related to subluxation complex or the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.
Symptoms may include: Chronic pain (migraine, neck and back pain, tendonitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and dysfunction caused by excess body weight).


What does acupuncture feel like?


Some patients may feel a tiny prick when the hair-thin needle is inserted. Others feel a tickle. But many patients don’t feel anything.


To schedule an appointment for acupuncture, call 979-732-3900. No physician referral is needed for appointments with Dr. Burton, D.C.